Non-Surgical Butt Lift in San Francisco Bay Area CA
What is Sculptra?
Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace missing collagen. Traditionally used to treat facial wrinkles, Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator.
Liquid and gel fillers, such as collagen or hyaluronic acid, push from up from under the skin. Sculptra works within the deep dermis to revitalize collagen production, restore your skin’s inner structure, and create volume.
Gradually over a multi-month treatment regimen, results can last up to two years. Sculptra is a biocompatible substance that is easily absorbed by the body.
Uplifted Standards
Sculptra Butt Lift is a revolutionary non-surgical alternative to a traditional butt lift or Brazilian butt lift. This treatment involves use of Sculptra injections at targeted areas in under the skin. This thickens the skin and stimulates deep collagen growth, resulting in a firmer feeling and and more voluptuous buttocks.
Sculptra butt lifts have no downtime as there is no surgery involved in the treatment. Treatments are convenient and results are effective, most notably for women who cannot undergo a fat transfer procedure. This lift can make the buttocks fuller for women of most body types. However, this is especially good for slim women without much body fat.
Sculptra BBL vs. BBL (What’s the Difference?)
The Brazilian Butt lift has risen in popularity in recent years due to celebrity exposure to outstandingly defined posteriors. The full and womanly look of a butt lift is in vogue.
A traditional Brazilian butt lift is a fat transfer procedure. Fat is taken from an area of the body and transferred to the buttocks. This is a surgical procedure requiring post-operative care. The outcomes of a Brazilian butt lift are often dramatic.
Sculptra butt lifts are different. This lift provides a defining, more subtle enhancement. Sculptra lifts involve non-invasive treatments that create volume in the buttocks. These injections thicken skin and add shape to the area.
Treatments are gradual and are performed over several one hour sessions. Sculptra lifts have short downtime and fast recovery times. This new technique is popular for leaner women seeking a similar enhancement to Brazilian butt lifts.
Dynamic Butt Lift Duo: Sculptra + Emsculpt
The "Dynamic Duo" Sculptra + Emsculpt is the ultimate non-invasive butt lift combo! 🍑💪🏼 Sculptra plumps the buttocks and most people start out with a minimum of 10 vials. Emsculpt complements this treatment by building muscle and lifting the buttocks. We recommend at least 4 sessions to see optimal results.
Treating “Hip Dips” with Sculptra
Natural Results: Subtle and impactful lift
Simple Candidacy: Leaner patients qualify
Non-Surgical: Lower risks and complications
Non-Invasive: Anesthesia not required
Short Recovery: Easy return to routine
Quick Treatments: Limited life interruption
Safe Materials: Injections easily absorb
Long Duration: Results may last up to 2 years
Sculptra Butt Lift Before and After
Sculptra Butt Lift Candidates
Sculptra is a commonplace dermal collagen stimulator. Many interested candidates may be a good fit for a Sculptra butt lift.
You may be a good candidate for a Sculptra butt lift if you wish to:
Increase the volume, size or shape of the buttocks without surgery
Enhance your buttocks, but do not qualify for a fat transfer procedure
Bring proportion and contouring to the buttocks area
Add subtle lift to the buttocks area
Experience long term, non-permanent results
A woman looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way she looks is the strongest candidate for a Sculptra lift. If you’re healthy and realistic in your expectations, this type of treatment may be right for you.
A woman looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way she looks is the strongest candidate for a Sculptra lift. If you’re healthy and realistic in your expectations, this type of treatment may be right for you.
To determine if you are a good candidate for this lift, schedule a consultation with Dr. Usha Rajagopal at our San Francisco location at 415-392-3333.